Mrs. C.N. Chamblee 's Class

Mrs. C.N. Chamblee 's Class

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Popsicle Party

 The kids earned a Popsicle party for being good and getting 20 polkadots in the jar! They loved the popsicles! :)

Polar Express Day!

 Watching The Polar Express in our pajamas on "our train" drinking hot chocolate! :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving Program

All dressed up and ready to perform our Thanksgiving Program.

Our Class Pumpkin

We carved a pumpkin as a class for Halloween!

Red Ribbon Week

Football players came to read to us for Drug Free week.

Llama Llama Red Pajama Day

 We had a REAL llama come to school for Llama Llama Red Pajama Day!

 While we were gone on our tour of the school, Chester the Raccoon came and left us a treat! :)

Green Day!

 We mixed blue and yellow food coloring with marshmallows to make green on our frog paper and then we ate the marshmallows! :)